Just Your Voice: Intro
A Note to Minions:
It can be difficult to put yourself into others’ work product. For example, if you are a legal assistant and most of your job is directly serving one or five people on their edits, their research, their practice, their case, it can feel that you don’t have space to develop your own work product and portfolio.
Or, you may answer phones all day, make cold calls, and feel as if you’re as personable as a bomb-dropping drone at the end of the day.
You don’t have time to lose your personality to a job. After eight hours or more a day, whoever you are at work carries home. Feeling like you’re not in charge can leak into your relationships, keep you in a dead-end job you’re overqualified for, and drain your gusto for the finer things in life (whether that be catching a new TV series on Netflix or taking a road trip on those coveted vacations).
“Just Your Voice” mini-series 1-5 aims to share my own experiences with being a cog and how I’ve taken measures to be a memorable one.
A Note to Supervisors:
Hang loose and let your staff surprise you!