One Life, One List

A Note to Minions: 

Although it can feel like it should be a personal trait, organization is a skill set.  Read: it can be learned.  
I write a list.  I take a sharpie and a neon green piece of paper and number my tasks, putting *** next to items that need done before 11 am.  After I cross off more than 5-10 items off my list, if I am not overly busy, I rewrite the list.  If I am overly busy, I add a continuation sheet, STAPLE it to the first list, and keep adding to my list.  One list - it carries over from day to day with rewrites as needed.  I cross off items I took care of and replace them with notes ("called 3PM, follow up Friday").  In my newest list, I just write the notes as a new task.  
Search for simplicity and allow yourself to take the time to keep track of your day.  If anyone asks, you'll be able to rehash everything you've accomplished for the day.  

A Note to Supervisors:

I once had a boss whose desk and floor were so messy I could have won workman's comp for tripping over it.  However, one time he came up to me and said, "either sort it or burn it or throw it out the window, but your desk is too messy."  

My indignation-meter was crimson, yet, he was the boss.  I seethed through my paper-sorting session and didn't learn how to stay organized.   Rinse, repeat operation your-desk-is-too-messy.  

Atmosphere and habits are emulated, for better or worse.  Take a look around your office: what kind of vibe are you giving off? 

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