Set The Morning Mood

A Note to Minions:

Anything in your way in the morning can get you angry: if you drive, it's the traffic. If you take the train, it's the crowds and the delays.  If you walk, there are people in your way, angry cars, and that red-light that never seems to get to the walk signal.  There is no ideal if you have a 9-5 where you are not the boss of your own schedule.  Even a change will start feeling like real life soon enough.

However, there is still room to improve your start.  If you drive, start practicing turning off the radio (or whatever kind of music/news-maker you listen to) before leaving the car each evening.  Upon turning on your car, actively choose which station, song, etc. you'd like to listen to.  Instead of turning on the car to whatever was blaring when you got home last night, you will be deciding which mood you'd like to set your day to.  

When I used to take the train, my best commutes were, surprisingly, when I chatted with someone the whole way.  It shook up my routine and the laughing, smiling, and connection it gave me made it easier to transition into work.

Whatever is done to improve the moment in your morning commute, make sure you do it.  Getting to work feeling OK is the best way to do a great job.  

A Note to Supervisors:

If your staff is showing up at 8:30 am, do you notice yourself strolling in at a quarter to ten?  Part of managing a great team is to be a complete part of the team, including showing up when, or before, they do.  Make mornings a good reason for your staff to show up on time and prepared - get creative (bring treats on Mondays and Fridays) to reward those who are in the office on time and already reading their emails at 8:31. It'll make a huge difference.

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