Probationary Period

A Note to Minions:

Whether you're buying high heels or sneakers, both choices are called shoes.  New job, new title, same overall tasks?  Avoid job amnesia. 

Make a Venn Diagram of what you know from your old job (i.e., a particular billing program) and what you have to learn from your new job (i.e., a different billing program) and remember that you already know the underlying task (i.e., how to bill clients). 

Don't be afraid to take a minute to get your bearings.  You know how to put on shoes, whether they are hiking boots or flip-flops.  Most of all, remember you are fresh to the company, not green to the world. 

A Note to Supervisors:

This isn't a speed date. 

Give your new staff a minute to impress you before judging their worth to the team. 

Reminder: It takes six months to get good at and used to a new job. 

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